Thursday, July 1, 2010

Special Occasions 2

Look at a list of world festivals HERE or a list of religious holidays HERE. Choose one festival or holiday and read a little bit about it. Please tell us about it in the comments.


See you next class!



  1. Hi Matt!

    I'm interested in "Imbolc",which is the festival of Ireland.
    That festival is for the beginning of spring.

    "Imbolc" means "in the belly". This refers to the pregnancy of ewes.
    And the festival is held on 1 or 2 February.(Because this day was thought as the beginning of Spring)
    This festival suggests that it was associated with "Brigid" who is the goddess of
    harvest,fire,wisdom,and so on.

    And in the picture that I saw,people surrounded the strange object which was burned.

    See you next class!
    Th4.Moeno Kawaragi

  2. Hi Matt!!
    I'd like to talk about "Nashestive".
    I was interested in it because it is held in Russia. I major in Russian.
    It is the largest open-air festival,in August it is held in Russia every year.
    Many many bands participate in it. Unknown bands can too.
    This name is word play, named after "invation" in Russian.
    I want to go to this festival!!

    See you next class!!
    Th4 Arisa Kama

  3. Hi,Matt!!

    I would like to write about Fiji day in Fiji.
    I was interested in this day because we don't have "Japan Day". It is interesting that a country's name became a holiday's name in the country.
    Fiji Day is the anniversary of both Fiji's cession to the United Kingdom in 1874 and independence in 1970. The week leading up to Fiji Day is called Fiji Week. In the week Fiji's people have some religious ceremonies and cultural performances.(Different theme is chosen every year.)

    I wish we also had "Japan Day" in Japan!
    See you next week!

    Th4 Haruka Tate

  4. Hi,Matt!

    I would like to tell you about "CON-CAN Movie Festival".
    This is a movie festival held annually in Japan, Tokyo.
    It was founded in 2005, so it's a new festival.
    It is different from a big movie festival like "Cannes Movie Festival", because it is an audience-interactive online international short movie festival.
    We can become voters!
    The aim of this festival is to find hidden creative talent all over the world.
    I did not know about this festival although I'm a Japanese.
    I want to pay attention to this festival!

    See you next lesson!
    Th4 Misuzu Maruyama

  5. Hi, Matt.

    I read about "Korean New Year" as a Buddhist holiday.

    Korean people mainly celebrate lunar New Year's Day, although they also celebrate solar New Year's Day like us.
    They return to their home to see their parents and relatives.
    And they dress up in Hanbok (the colorful traditional Korean dress).
    There are many games that Korean children play on New Year's Day.
    Yutnori (a traditional family board game), jegi chagi (a game like kicking a Footbag) and flying kites are among them.

    I got very interested in Korea.
    I didn't know there're several differences between Korean and Japanese New Year's Day.

    Good night!
    Hitoshi Ukawa

  6. Hi Matt! I'm sorry, I couldn't come to the class last week...suddenly I got things to do on that day.

    I read the article "AberFest". It is a Celtic festival which is held in Cornwall in the UK at Easter. It has, so to speak, a pair festival, which is held in Brittany in France, where also a people with the more or less same Celtic backgrounds lives. These two festivals alternate with each other.
    What is characteristic for the AberFest is that the Celtic people in Brittany as guests come to the UK and stay with Cornish and Breton families as hosts and vice versa in the following year.

    It's very unique, isn't it!? When I was a child, I was interested in the legend of King Arthur (and the Celtic culture too) and read it many times. So I chose this atricle.

    See you!
    Wataru Kashiwayanagi

  7. Hi,Matt.

    I read about festibals in Turkey.
    I knew more than 100 festivals are held in turkey every year! Most of them are held in major metropolitam centers such as Istanbul, Ankara,Izmir and Antalya.
    I'm especially interested in "Istanbul international Music Festibal".It is a cultural event held June and July in Istanbul.Its the 1st festival was held in 1973,on the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Republic of Turkey.It offers a selection of Europian classic music,ballet,opera and traditional music performances with the participations of famous artists from all over the world.

    I want to see and enjoy this festibal, because I love music!

    See you!
    Mishio Koike th4

  8. Hi,Matt!

    I read Florida food festivals.
    I was suprised there are 206 food festivals in Florida.Why?? Because it is warm and tropical climate every season in Florida ?Because many of them are occupied with agriculture?

    Anyway, I think it is so fantastic to attand food festivals.We can enjoy different kinds of food(like seafood,wine,pie,BBQ,orange,blueberry) each festival .

    The most interesting festival for me is Cheesecake Challenge.Because I am a big cheesecake eater:).

    See you nest class!


  9. Hi Matt!!

    I'd like to tell you about a festival in Laos whose name is Vixakha Bouxa. It is held around May based on the lunar calendar. ( It's really hot and dry season in South Asian countries.) They celebrates the birth, enlightenment and death of the Buddha, which are all said to have occurred on the same day. They celebrate it by dances, parades, puppet shows and something like that. Vixakha Bousa has some parts. One of the parts is called Boung Bang Fay, which is also called "Rocket Festival".

    I'm interested in this festival because the same kind of festival is held in Cambodia in April! I'd like to know more about this fes.

    See you next class, Matt :)
    Rie Kanie

  10. Hello, Matt!

    I'd like to tell you about "Caribana Festival."
    It is a festival of Caribbean culture, and it's held each summer in Canada.
    The main event of the festival is street parade. Visitors can enjoy special music, dance, costumes and so on.
    Caribana Festival is a very big festival, so each year more than 1.3 million people go to see the final parade. It's so exciting!

    I learned there are so many festivals all over the world. I want to try to join various festivals in the world.

    See you next class!

    Kei Kobayashi Th4

  11. Hello, Matt!

    I'd like to tell you about "Caribana Festival."
    It is a festival of Caribbean culture, and it's held each summer in Canada.
    The main event of the festival is street parade. Visitors can enjoy special music, dance, costumes and so on.
    Caribana Festival is a very big festival, so each year more than 1.3 million people go to see the final parade. It's so exciting!

    I learned there are so many festivals all over the world. I want to try to join various festivals in the world.

    See you next class!

    Kei Kobayashi Th4

  12. In my home state, Oklahoma, there are several Czech Festivals because many people immigrated there from the Czach Republic. They dress up in traditional costumes, make Czech food and do lots of dancing. They also hold parades. The largest parade is in the little town of Prague.

  13. Hi, Matt!

    I'm really interested in The Great American Beer Festival held in Denver, Coloradp.
    There more than 2000 different Beers.
    I wish I could go someday

    See you tomorrow.

    Tomoya Ejiri th4

  14. Hi, Matt!

    I read the article of the comedy festival "Just for Laughs" in Canada, founded in 1983.
    This festival is held for a month, each July, in Montreal Quebec.
    During the first half the French speakers do their performences, and the second half is the English speakers' turn.
    Many comedians gather from around the world at this festival!
    It seems so interesting:)

    See you in next class.

    Aya Shimazaki Th4

  15. Hi, Matt!

    I'm interested in “Qixi Festival” which is the festival in China. The festival is sometimes called Chinese Valentine's Day. So man and woman give presents each other.
    In Japan, the festival is called Tanabata.(Today is Tanabata!!) We write our wishes on the colorful strips of the paper and hang them on the bamboo branches.

    See you tomorrow.

    Michiru Hayakawa TH4

  16. Hi, Matt!

    I read a little bit an article about "Day of the Dead," because I'd been interested in it after the last class.
    "Day of the Dead" is celebrated in Latin America and normaly on the 1st and 2nd day of November. And I came to know that "The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died."
    I think it is similar to O-bon in Japan. But the days of celebrating are different.
    This holiday is very interesting.

    See you next class!
    Lisa Otsuka (Th4)

  17. Hi, Matt!

    I'd like to tell you about music festivals in the UK.
    There are many various music festivals.
    Among them, Glastonbury is the most famous.
    It originally was classical music and theatre festival in the early 20th century.
    But today, in this festival, contemporary music is played.
    Lots of famous singers perform. For example, in 2010, Shakira, Stevie Wonder, Norah Jones, and so on.
    And also, it contains dance, comedy, theatre, circus, cabaret and many other arts.
    I think it's so nice!!!

    See you at the next class!

    Yuko Kamada Th4

  18. Hello Matt!
    I read an article about "Cold Food Festival" in China (and Vietnam and Korea, too). At first, I thought that people eat many kind of finger foods on that day. But actually it started from the tradition of putting new fire for the new season (beginning of April). This festival has a long Legend. According to this legend, people were not allowed to use the fire through the festival days. So, in Korea they followed this legend and celebrated with cold food, but recently this tradition has disappeared.
    Now, we have another calender. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine, how the 24-season calender was. But sometimes I hope I live with the moon calender and time like 800 years ago in Japan.

  19. Sorry I forgott typing my name.

    see you tomorrow!

    Midori Waseda th4

  20. Hi, Matt!

    I read the article about Qixi Festival in China.
    It's sometimes called as Chinese Valentine's Day!
    Girls make wishes for a good husband on that day by demonstrating their domestic skills, especially melon carving. It sounds weird but kind of interesting:)

    Misato Nishimura Th4

  21. Hi Mat!
    I read about the festivals, especially, The Spectre Film Festival in France, because I am interested in the french movies and I am going to France next year. It takes place every september in strasbourg and we can watch the fantasy or science fiction or horror ones. I think that we have to pay a little bit, but it looks interesting to me!
    If you have time, let's go with me!haha

    th4 Eriko Kato

  22. Hi!, Matt!

    I read an article about the Vixakha Bouxa festival in Laos. It says that it is Lao version of the Thai Visakha Puja. It commemorates the birth, enlightenment, and death of the Buddha. Celebrations include dances, poems, parades, processions, deep meditation, theatrical performances, and puppet shows.
    I would like to see the puppet show someday and join the deep meditation. However, I have very poor power of concentration, so I wonder I can do it.

    th4 Sho Ray

  23. Hi Matt.
    I'd like to tell you about Ghost Festival in Malaysia.
    Originally, it is traditional Chinese festival and holiday. The seventh month in general is regarded as the Ghost Month, in which ghosts and spirits, including those of the deceased ancestors, come out from the lower realm.
    In Malaysia, This festival is modernized by the concert-like live performances and isn't similar to other Ghost Festival in other country. The live show is popularly known as 'Koh-tai' by the Hokkien-speaking people, performed by a group of singers, dancers and entertainers on a temporary stage that setup within the residential district. The festival is funded by the residents of each individual residential districts.
    Very interesting festival. I want to go to see it someday.

    Matsumoto Kota

  24. Hi Matt!
    I read about Day of the Dead in Spain.
    Itis a holiday celebrated in Latin America and by Latin Americans living in the United States and Canada. The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died. The celebration occurs on November 2 in connection with the Catholic holidays of All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day .Traditions connected with the holiday include building private altars honoring the deceased using sugar skulls, marigolds, and the favorite foods and beverages of the departed, and visiting graves with these as gifts. Due to occurring shortly after Halloween, the Day of the Dead is sometimes thought to be a similar holiday, although the two actually have little in common. The Day of the Dead is a time of celebration, where partying is common.
    Im interested in this festival,and I want to join it.

    Th4 Kana Ibuki

  25. Hi Matt!

    I chose Magpie Festival in China.
    It's because that was very yesterday in Japan!
    I didn't know people called the festival Magpie festival in English but it's popular in Japan too!
    I like original Chinese style better than Japanese because Japanes style somehow became to be a season's festival or kind of Children's day.
    Of course we can see the festival in a lot of places:towns,supermarkets and something like that.
    But few people know about the festival's reason,the story of the romantic and sad love.
    So that I think Chinese style like St.Valentine's Day is more faithful to the origin.
    St.Valentine's Day is love day but the origin is not!!!
    Uh oh...I am in confusion...hahaha.
    In any case, it is wonderful festival about summer stars that have a romantic story.
    I love this festival.

    Reika th4
