Saturday, December 11, 2010


We will talk about movies next time so please think about all the films and animations you have seen and loved and hated. Also, choose ONE of the questions below and answer it in the comments.
1. What genre of movie do you like? For example: romantic comedies, horror, romance, thriller, etc... And why do you like those kinds of films?
2. A country's films can tell us a lot about its culture. What country's movies have you seen? What did you learn about the culture?
3. One of my favorite animators is Zumbakamera, from Spain. Watch one of the videos then recommend us your favorite animator.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


In the next class we will talk about travel and plan a trip to Budapest, Hungary. Please read the introduction below and then answer ONE of the following questions.

Hungary is famous for its wine, hot springs, and goulash, but there is so much more. The capital, Budapest, is a hip and vibrant city that is not so cheap, but a very good value. Autumn is a good time to go – the changing leaves are romantic and the cool weather is perfect for drinking coffee in a cozy cafĂ© in the back streets near the university. Budapest is full of art galleries, museums, monuments, festivals and lively nightclubs.
The Hungarian language is quite difficult for beginners, but if you learn a few phrases, you should have no problem communicating. At the very least, learn how to say “hello”, “please”, “thank you”, and the numbers up to ten.
Budapest is actually two cities separated by the Danube River. Buda, in the west of the city, is rugged, hilly and tranquil. Pest, in the east, is the heart of the city. Everything is within walking distance of subways and trams so it is easy to get around.

1. What is the most interesting thing for you about Budapest? Why?
2. Do you think the advice about learning the language is good? Why or why not?
3. If you have been to Budapest or Hungary, what was it like?

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Next class we will review for the Test. There is no homework!!
Hope to see you at the festival~

Sunday, November 7, 2010

TV Shows

We are going to talk about TV shows in the next class. Think about how much TV you watch and what kind of shows you like the best. Choose one question from below and answer it in the comments.
1. Watch this VIDEO about an American TV show called "Glee". Have you ever seen it? Does it look interesting to you? Why or why not?
2. Watch the promotional VIDEO for "Six Feet Under". Do you know this American TV show? What kind of feeling does the video give you?
3. Have you ever seen a "reality show"? Watch the trailer for "Jersey Shore" HERE. Is this something you're interested in seeing? Why or why not?

Saturday, October 30, 2010

What should I do?

When travelling to another country it is important to know what to do and what not to do. I learned about the etiquette of sushi restaurants by watching this VIDEO. Choose ONE question below and answer in the comments.

1. Read about the do's and don'ts in THAILAND. What was the most interesting or surprising thing?

2. Have you ever made a mistake in etiquette when in a foreign country? What happened?

3. Have you ever noticed a foreigner making a mistake about your culture? What happened?

4. Do you know any interesting "do's and don'ts" from other cultures?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Next class we will be talking about fashion. Choose ONE of the questions below and answer in the comments.

1. Watch this VIDEO about fashion in Europe 600 years ago. What things do you see that are similar to our modern clothes? What things are different?

2. Watch this VIDEO about American fashion from 1950-2000. What changed? What stayed the same? What came back into fashion?

3. What different kinds of fashion do you know about in Japan or in other countries?

4. Throughout history, people have used make-up for ceremony, style or as a status symbol. Do you know any interesting facts about make up?

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Next class we're going to talk about one of my favorite topics: FOOOOOD!
Choose one of the questions and answer it in the comments.
1. What is one of your favorite dishes? Why do you like it?
2. What dish do you hate? Why?
3. What kind of food can you cook?
4. What is your favorite restaurant? What do you usually order there?
5. When you were a child, was there some kind of food you hated or loved?
6. What did you have for dinner last night?
7. What do you usually have for breakfast?

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Next class we will talk about jobs and working. Look at the questions below, choose ONE and answer it in the comments.

1. Do you have a part-time job now? What do you do?
2. Did you used to have a part-time job? What did you do?
3. What kind of part-time job would you like? Why?
4. What kind of job would you like after you graduate from TUFS?
5. Do you know of any unusual jobs?

Friday, July 16, 2010


Next class we will review for the test!


Have a great Umi Day!!!


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Writing is FUN!

Next class we are going to do some creative writing. Here is an example of a poem we will read in class and then copy its style. Please read the poem then watch this video HERE. Finally, tell us what you think of the poem and video in the comments.

This is Just to Say

by William Carlos Williams

I have eaten

the plums

that were in

the icebox

and which

you were probably


for breakfast

Forgive me

they were delicious

so sweet

and so cold


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Special Occasions 2

Look at a list of world festivals HERE or a list of religious holidays HERE. Choose one festival or holiday and read a little bit about it. Please tell us about it in the comments.


See you next class!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Special Occasions

In the next two classes we will talk about special occasions and holidays. For example: New Years, Coming of Age Day, Saint Patrick's Day, Matt's Birthday, etc...
In the comments please tell me about your favorite day and why...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sorry everybody! I forgot to put the homework on our blog... I know you must be very sad. Don't worry, I promise to give you some next week!!

See you on Thursday~

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

International Beverages

Last class we heard about margaritas, toddies, Tibetan tea and mate. Next week we will learn about hot chocolate (or cocoa). Please click on one drink you are interested in and read more information about it. In the comments, please tell us something surprising or informative you read.


Thursday, June 3, 2010


We will be talking about drinks next week and will hear about some popular beverages from Argentina, Tibet, Sri Lanka and Mexico. We will also learn how to make these drinks!
In the comments, please tell me about your favorite drinks and how to make them (if you know how!).

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Achievement Test 1

We will have our first test next week. After the listening, you will have some time to practice speaking with a partner and then we will do the speaking test.
Email me if you have any questions.

Good luck!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


We will have our first Achievement Test on June 3rd so next week we will review everything we have studied.

There is no homework for this week.

See you!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

First Meetings and First Dates

In the next class we will be talking about what to do (and what NOT to do) when you meet someone for the first time. Also, what to say and where to go on a first date!

Please answer one of the questions below:

1. When you meet someone for the first time, what do you usually talk about with them? What kinds of things do you NOT talk about?

2. When you go on a first date with someone, where is a good place to go? What are some good topics to talk about?


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Gestures and Body Language

Poland and Japan have similar hand gestures, but they have very different meanings. Watch the video HERE then answer one of the questions below.

1. What did you think about the video?

2. Are there any other gestures you know of from Japan, Poland or another country?

Friday, April 23, 2010

Popular Japanese Names

Go to this website HERE

Go to the bottom of the page and look at the charts for the most popular Japanese names for boys and girls. Answer ONE of the questions below in the comments.

1. Are your parents, grandparents or brothers' or sisters' names on the list?

2. Which names do you like the best? Which names do you not like?

3. Do you know any reason why some of these names became popular?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

First Blog Post

Please tell me about the partner you met during our first class.

Go to "comments" below. Type your information (don't forget your name!). In the "comment as" section, you can choose "Anonymous". Finally, click on "Post comment".

Send me an email if you have problems.

See you next week!
